Whom to Call

Downtown Partnership



Development Services and Market Data: Susan Edmondson 719-886-0088 Susan@DowntownCS.com
Membership 719-886-0088 Info@DowntownCS.com
Communications, Marketing and Media Relations: Carrie Simison 719-886-0088 Carrie@DowntownCS.com

City of Colorado Springs

Office of Economic Development: Bob Cope 719-385-5561 Bob.Cope@coloradosprings.gov
Urban Planning and Entitlements: Ryan Tefertiller 719-385-5382 rtefertiller@springsgov.com
Revocable Permits: Matt Fitzsimmons 719-385-5396 Matthew.Fitzsimmons@coloradosprings.gov
Sign Permits: Kurt Schmitt 719-385-5072 Kurt.Schmitt@coloradosprings.gov 
Parks and Landscape Design: Connie Perry 719-385-5375 Connie.Perry@coloradosprings.gov
Stormwater Review: Steve Rossoll 719-385-5454 Steve.Rossoll@coloradosprings.gov
Community Development and Affordable Housing: Steve Posey  719-385-6880 Steve.Posey@coloradosprings.gov
Parking Enterprise: Scott Lee 719-385-5682 Scott.Lee@coloradosprings.gov
Traffic Engineering 719-385-7628

Pikes Peak Regional Building

Plan Review: Jay Eenhuis 719-327-2880   jay@pprbd.org
Mechanical Review: Shelby Erickson  719-327-2974  shelby@pprbd.org
Electrical Review: Shelby Erickson  719-327-2974  shelby@pprbd.org
Plumbing Review: Shelby Erickson 719-327-2974  shelby@pprbd.org
Construction Review: Shelley Dicker  719-327-2986 shelley@pprbd.org
Plan Review: Steven Smith  719-385-7362  sdsmith@springsgov.com

Colorado Springs Utilities

Economic Development: Robert Osborn 719-668-7563
Water Review: Bill Davis 719-668-8254  wtdavis@csu.org
Wastewater Review: Bill Davis 719-668-8254  wtdavis@csu.org
Electric Review: Mary Hoaglund  719-668-4083  mhoaglund@csu.org
Natural Gas Review: Dee Dee Brook  719-668-4510  debrook@csu.org

Colorado Springs Chamber and EDC

Economic Development: Tammy Fields 719-884-2836 tfields@cscedc.com

Small Business Development Center

Consulting Coordinator: Shaula Denton  719-667-3803 info@pikespeaksbdc.org